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ScintCare CT 128 | 128 Slices

ScintCare CT 128 | 128 Slices


The innovative 40 mm wide ScintiStar detector combines quantum enhancement technology, a 256-channel ASIC chip, and a specially designed EAA anti-scattering grid into a single module. This highly integrated imaging chain enables an optimal signal-to-noise ratio, resulting in high-resolution images with low dosage radiation.


Aside from the tube's large capacity (8MHu), this CT system also utilizes 3D multi-frequency acquisition technology (3D-MAT), allowing simultaneous acquisition technology in the X-Y plane and the Z-direction. The isotropic acquisition is possible with 3D-MAT, which improves image resolution and reveals more details in the anatomical structure.

NDI+ NanoDose Iteration algorithm is an innovative iterative technique for image reconstruction that takes full advantage of deep learning in anatomical structure in image space. Model-driven iteration involving tube and detector in projection space contributes to dose management. Consequently, high-resolution images at the lowest possible dose are acquired.  


The ECG gating technology and real-time waveform analysis detect arrhythmia and abnormalities automatically, ensuring that a normal heartbeat is captured for cardiac imaging. The unparalleled multi-phase cardiac imaging makes it possible to achieve 39 ms time resolution, therefore significantly smoothens cardiac scans, even with the condition of rapid heartbeat. Furthermore, the combination of imA technology and gating acquisition provides for an 80 percent reduction in heart scan dosage radiation.
ScintCare CT 128 | 128 Slices


